Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lara + Sticks N Stones (Guest Post by Lizzy of TheDIYLady)

Hey darlings, or should I say " Hello Lacquer Luvers" as Jess says? Lol...

It's my joy, pleasure and honor to be here today sharing this mani with you all. As you all know, Jess is away bringing to the world the most precious baby girl - Gabby! I haven't seen this bundle of joy yet, but you all must know, I already love her!

For my guest post today, I planned to do a water marble like the ones Jess is famous for, but my attempts proved futile! :-( The polishes made a mess in water, and yeah, that plan didn't work. 
I guess we all can't be like the queen of marbling a.k.a Jess. Lol...

Anyhoo, I chose to settle for a girly mani in honor of little miss Gabby. 
I used two coats of Zoya - Lara as my base color, and then applied 1-2 coats of Sticks n Stones over it. 

SnS is a dupe of a famous polish by the lady who shall remain nameless. I must say, I have that other polish by her, and I love SnS more than it. I Love that there's no shimmer in this one.

 When I got done with this mani, I was seriously impressed because the glitter splatter almost looks like nail art. The pink base is exactly what I wanted, girly and fun! I can wait till Gabby's old enough to start wearing cute girly polishes that she won't need to buy because her mama has enough for two. :-D

Well, That's it for now my dearies....

Oh wait, wait, wait, I'm not on my blog... I meant to say: I Hope you all liked this post dear Lacquer Luvers... I'm glad to be here with you all today, and I look forward to the return of Jess, so she can keep sharing her awesome talent with us.

In the true form of TheDIYLady, I must now say, 
Till Later, God Bless. :-)

Lizzy, you are so sweet! I'm sorry that the water marble didn't work for you. Just keep on trying hun, you'll get it! I'm sure lots of people think that I got it done my first try. Let me be the one to tell you all that that is FAR from true! Water marbling was one of the hardest techniques I've tried to master and it took me quite some time to get it right. Being the persistent person I am (well, that and the fact that I loved it soooo much and HAD to have it on my nails, lol) I didn't give up. I finally found polishes that worked for me (Bettina) & watched hours of youtube videos (mainly by Colette of My Simple Little Pleasures) until I finally got it right. So don't give up, hun! As for this manicure, I'm sure you know that I love it already. Pink, black and white is one of my all-time favorite color combinations and I absolutely love the polishes you chose. Lara is in my collection and I have a black and white glitter polish so maybe I'll copy cat this mani one day. Thank you so much Lizzy, for writing up this fabulous post! Lacquer Luvers, if you aren't already, please head on over to The Do It Yourself Lady and check out all the great posts Lizzy has shared with us!


  1. Cute combo combination Lizzy!

    1. Thanks Yamii. :-)

      Thanks again for having me on your blog Jess.

      I'll keep trying with the Water Marbling, and I hope to get it one day. Bettina's are hard for me to find around here, but I'll keep working at it.

      P.S: I must now mention that I have seen little miss Gabby and she's beautiful. At the time I wrote this post, I hadn't seen her yet. Lol...
      Congrats again on her birth. I can't wait for mummy and me manis from you two.

  2. Lara looks fantastic on you! I'm still kicking myself for not getting it!

  3. What an adorable combination! I've been looking for a nice, bright pink, and Lara may be it. And it's perfect with Sticks n Stones as well!

    All the best to Jess and family! ^_^

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