
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Pedi-Sox Review & Giveaway!!!

Hello Lacquer Luvers! Have you guys ever heard of Pedi-Sox? Well, last year I was putting together a wishlist for a Holiday Swap I was partaking in on Facebook and was looking for nail related products that weren't particularly a nail polish. I happened to stumble across Pedi-Sox while taking a look at a friends wishlist. After browsing their website, Pedi-Sox found it's way onto my wishlist as well! Read on to find out why and how you can win a pair of Pedi-Sox for yourself! 

Pedi-Sox are the revolutionary answer to how you can have the ultimate home pedicure experience. These socks have a hole in the toe area which allows you to paint your toes while simultaneously keeping your feet comfy and clean, allowing moisturizers to absorb better and protect your nail polish - while extending the pleasure of the pedicure experience. These socks are quality-conscious, come in a variety of styles and are reusable. 

I began my home pedicure by filling a basin with warm water and soap flakes. I then scrubbed, cut and filed my nails and pushed back my cuticles. I exfoliated my heels with the aid of a sugar scrub that I made myself (I don't measure anything but it's a simple mix of brown sugar and coconut oil that leaves your skin so smooth, soft and moisturized).

Once I dried my feet thoroughly, I applied a super thick mani/pedi cream by Cacee then put on these fabulous leopard print Pedi-Sox. I was immediately impressed by the quality and thickness of these socks. I liked that they were nice and "snug", it felt as if they hugged my feet and kept them warm and cozy. Once I completed my pedi and removed the socks I was impressed with how moisturized my feet felt. It seemed as though my skin drank up the moisturizers in the cream rather than allowing them to evaporate. 

So, now that you've read my review and seen them for yourself, I'm sure Pedi-Sox are on their way to making it on your wishlist, right? Luckily for one of you, I'm hosting a giveaway courtesy of Pedi-Sox where you'll have an opportunity to win a pair. The winner will be able to choose either the Original Pedi-Sox with the pink logo or the California Weight Pedi-Sox in blueberry. The California Weight Pedi-Sox are lite-weight material for warmer climates and year-round use. For your chance to win your choice of Pedi-Sox, simply wait for the rafflecopter widget to load below and leave me your email address. Additional entries can be earned as well if you follow my blog, share this giveaway, etc. Good luck to all! As always, I hope you all enjoyed this post my dear Lacquer Luvers and I look forward to sharing my next post with you, xo!


**This product and the prize was provided to me courtesy of Pedi-Sox**

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I want your leopard print socks! So cute!

  2. I'd never heard of PediSox, but these are such a great idea! Love that they help the skin absorb moisture rather than letting it evaporate.

  3. I really like the Mary Jane's!

  4. Your toes are super cute Jess! I love the baby leopard print and colored polka dots!

  5. I like the "Hearts of Love". So stinking cute! Your pedi is so cute! I love the colors together!

  6. Thanks for the giveaway. I love the ballet slipper ones.

  7. I like Pink Stripe Original, Black Stripe Original and Black Pro pedi-sox! :-)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. So cute! And the leopard print is my favorite!

  10. Mary-Janes are my fav! Thank you for the giveaway!

  11. I love the Baby Leopards and the Hearts of Love :) Hope to win a pair of these.. I wonder if I could crochet me up a pair of something like this and would work about same :)

  12. Love Pinky Pink for the charitable donation but the Mary Jane design is just TOO cute!

  13. I really like the Baby Leopard and the Mary Jane ones. <3 Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Baby leopard & Mary Jane were always my faves 😊

  16. I like the baby leopard style. Thanks for the opportunity!
