
Thursday, October 17, 2013

I Got The Eye Of A Tiger

Hello Lacquer Luvers! I hope you all are doing well. I know I've been slacking here lately and I do apologize. I just have some other things consuming my time now and am trying my best to find a balance between everything going on. I do hope you guys understand and stick with me as I'm really trying my hardest to keep up with my beloved baby (I mean the blog in this case). Today I have my second Breast Cancer Awareness manicure to share with you all. I hope you like it!

My manicure is  dedicated to the ladies (and gents) who are currently fighting to overcome Breast Cancer. I was inspired by the lyrics of Katy Perry's "Roar" as they are so inspirational and words I can hear anybody who has come face to face with any challenging circumstance saying.  

I've been wanting to use my MoYou Suki Collection 1 plate since I received it in the mail and finally got to! This plate is freaking gorgeous (seriously, click on the link. It's a work of art!) and had the perfect image to go with those lyrics. For this manicure I applied 2 coats of Zoya Purity followed by 1 coat of Orly Prisma Gloss Silver. Once that dried I used Zoya Lana to stamp on my pink tiger. I then used Bettina 187 & Bundle Monster's BM321 image plate to add the pink ribbon hanging by the teeth of my ferocious feline. My manicure was complete with 1 coat of HK Girl topcoat for a nice glossy finish!

I am so happy that I was able to execute an idea that's been in my head since the first time I heard that song. The tiger on the MoYou Suki plate is so awesome and I'm glad I figured out how I would get the entire image onto my nails! What do you think of my nontraditional pink tiger mani? As always, I hope you all enjoyed this post my dear Lacquer Luvers and I look forward to sharing my next post with you, xo! 
