
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

NYC in FLA (Guest post by Kari of Got Polish?)

Meow, kittens!  Today I'd like to share two polishes I picked up during my recent trip to New York.  You may not be familiar with this brand (I wasn't until last summer).  It is called Mattese Elite and is sold exclusively at Ricky's NYC, a funky shop with several locations throughout New York as well as a store each in Hoboken, NJ and Miami, FL.  You can also click HERE to visit Ricky's NYC online.  Anywho, I happened to find the following two colors that looked promising on sale for 99 cents each.  Score, right?  I'll let you judge for yourself.  Feast your eyes on Temptation and Russian Mafia.
Two coats each of Temptation (thumb, middle, pinky) and Russian Mafia (index, ring), shot indoors.
Two coats each of Temptation (thumb, middle, pinky) and Russian Mafia (index, ring), shot indoors.
Temptation and Russian Mafia
When I initially picked them up, I expected Russian Mafia to be purple but it is definitely "Blurple" - dark blue, almost navy, with hints of purple, definitely more blue than I expected it to be which, for a blue lover like myself, was not a bad thing.  Temptation is a nice medium blue, not all that different than several others in my collection but not bad for 99 cents.  Alas, here comes the rub.  I had purchased one other Mattese Elite polish during a visit to New York last summer and, as was the case with these two, thought the color looked really pretty in the bottle.  Also like these colors, that polish was on sale for 99 cents.  However, the third thing these polishes had in common was that they took FOR-EVER to dry and I ended up smudging several of them, even upwards of 30 minutes after polishing.  I didn't think my coats were particularly thick and I did add top coat so I'm not sure why I had such issues.  It could have been "user error" but to have this be the case with all three Mattese Elites I own, I have to wonder if it's the formula.  For 99 cents, I'm not unhappy with these polishes and I will certainly experiment with even thinner coats and more drying time but I wouldn't run out and purchase any more of this brand until I figure out why I'm having such issues.
Thanks so much for looking!  As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Kari, I have never heard of this brand before this post (not that I can recall, anyways). What a shame that the drying time was terrible because they really do look great on you. I know how you love your blues! Perhaps you can mix these with some other polishes and create some pretty frankens out of them ;) Lacquer Luvers, head on over to Kari's awesome blog, Got Polish? to check out more of her work! Thank you so much for guest posting for me, lovebug! xo


  1. So happy to help, thanks for asking! Love you! *muah*

  2. I just got one polish by this company. I forgot the name, but now I'm glad someone else has a polish by them. :-)

    Interesting colors for the fall here.
