
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Quite Frank(en)ly, I Love Pink Wednesday!

Hello Lacquer Luvers! It's the middle of the week and that means it's time for Pink Wednesday! This one is very very special as I have a beautiful franken that I created to share with you all as well! I really hope you enjoy this post even though it's pretty late =)

My manicure today began with a base of Milani Smoothe Base Coat followed by two coats of Zoya Barbie. Barbie can best be described as: Soft, warm medium baby pink with very subtle hot pink shimmer. An adorable girly shade to accent any outfit.

Macro shot so that you can see the gorgeous hot pink shimmer that's in Barbie

This photo was taken with my phone

Featured in the photo above is my franken surprise for the day! I created the lovely that I am holding in my hand. I have yet to name it but it contains one of my all-time favorite color combinations: pink, black and white. This glitter topcoat is full of 2 shades of pink hexagonal glitter, black hexagonal glitter, large white hexagonal glitter and white bar glitter. All of these glitters are matte (not metallic).

I am not looking to be an indie seller (well, not anytime in the near future at least). I was just playing around with some pretty glitters and I adore the combo that I came up with. I like that the bar glitter is not overwhelming and that they actually lay flat. I hope to make a few more frankens in the future. I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on this one and if you have any name suggestions I'm all ears (well, eyes!). As always, I hope you all liked this post my dear Lacquer Luvers and I look forward to sharing tomorrow's post with you, xo!



  1. I would like a mini-bottle please "Diva's Secret" :)

  2. You already know I'm loving it (ba da ba ba ba...yes, I'm hearing the Mickey D's jingle in my head now). I will definitely wrack my brain for name ideas, too. :)

  3. Absolutly gorgeous! *i need that zoya* =D

  4. That's a beautiful franken and I love the way it looks over that Zoya! Gorgeous :-)

  5. I would love a bottle! Call it "obviously chic"
