
Thursday, April 19, 2012

CG High Def for Autism Awareness & Baby Update

Hello Lacquer Luvers! Not only do I have an Autism Awareness mani to share with you all today but I have a bit of news and updates to share with you guys. First, I had the weirdest thing happen to me a few nights ago. Every night before bed I apply Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream to my nails/cuticles. As I applied it, I didn't see anything wrong with my nails. I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and was flabbergasted to see this:

How on earth did my nail break during my sleep? If anything, I would've thought it should've broke throughout the day seeing as I was doing some major cleaning around the house. How weird, right? So because of the nail on my ring finger breaking I had to do a major chop. I'm okay with it because my nails have been growing super fast due to my Essie Grow Faster that I use as a base coat as well as the prenatal vitamins I'm taking. Anyway, say hello to my new nubbies:

Not too bad but still very short to me. Well, on to my manicure for the day. I began this mani with a base of Essie Grow Faster followed by two coats of China Glaze High Def. High Def is a blue based polish and part of the Tronica collection which was released last year. This is a holographic collection but if you ask me, the holo in these aren't even close to CG's OMG or Kaleidoscope collections. It's still there as you can see in the below photo on my pinky.

For nail art I decided to stamp on an image that reminds me of splatter and my son's scribbles =) When Tyus first picked up a pencil his masterpieces looked like this. This design comes from Konad's M70 image plate and was done using their Special Stamping Polish in white. I didn't use a topcoat for this mani because I didn't want the holographic effect to get lost.

Because this is a post about Autism Awareness and my nails remind me of my son, I wanted to share a little about Art Therapy with you all. Art therapy is a creative process in which it allows the individual to enhance the physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Art therapy can be a great help for those who have Autism and are non-verbal. It allows them think visually and can be used as a form of communication.

As I stated in the title of this post, I have a baby update for you all! I had a doctor's visit two days ago where we were able to receive an ultrasound. My baby girl was so active that day. It was amazing to see her kicking and moving around. She is getting big and is healthy weighing in at 1lb 1oz. The most spectacular part of this visit was that we were able to receive a print out of little Gabby staring at us (I also got a dvd of a recording of the entire ultrasound). I've never seen an ultrasound photo where the baby was looking as if she were posing for the camera. In the photos below you can see her face. I labeled it in the second picture just in case some of you couldn't make it out.

Isn't that amazing? That visit is something I will never forget and this photo is surely to be treasured amongst my family. My son was really excited to see her and daddy couldn't stop saying "awww" as we watched all of her kicks during the visit.

I hope you all enjoyed this post. I know it was pretty long but I hope you don't mind me sharing all of my news and updates with you. I would love to hear your thoughts on this manicure so please leave me a comment below. As always, I hope you all liked this post my dear Lacquer Luvers and I look forward to sharing my next post with you, xo!



  1. Your nails look very good even short :) And I really like your Autism Awareness manicure!

    1. Thank you luv, I'm sure they'll be back to normal in no time. I'm glad you like my mani =)

  2. I love your mani and M70 went directly into my "going to buy when I get my nearest salary" list.

    Congratulations about the baby too. Good that you added the mapping pic as I have no idea how to look at an ultrasound pic LOL

    1. I really like the M70 plate, I need to try out the other images soon. LOL, my sister never knows what she's looking at either which is why I labeled everything. Thank you, xo!

  3. Congrats new mommy! and I love your short nails too!

    1. Thank you Karine! We are really excited to have her in our arms in August =)

  4. Congrats on your baby! Very cool. I love seeing other people's blue manis! I've been wearing blue all month to help raise awareness!

    1. Oh yaaaay!! I'm so happy that so many people are rocking blue mani's all month to help raise awareness. Have you entered my contest? Check it out here:

  5. your nubbies are way longer than my nails i've been trying to grow for....EVER! And my gosh that mani looks good!!

    also, congrats on the baby!!!! :D

  6. I totally just did this! I woke up with my right ring fingernail having a notch taken out of it. Weird!

  7. I like your short nails!! The mani is cute! Yayyy for the sonogram pic. I have never seen that before. I had no idea what was going on when they showed me mine, lol. Glad she's growing nice and healthy.

  8. Those two manis are awesome! U/S are super exciting!!
